There's no better feeling for a shopaholic (or anyone, really) than the adrenaline rush of a good sale. Browsing through the racks, finding that perfect piece you've been lusting over, the amazing sound at the register as your discount is applied. It's hard to think of anything that can feel quite as magical. Except, maybe, experiencing this wonder not once, but endless times, in the same day. On Thursday, April 19, you can get involved in that exact feeling for yourself during Shop the Night Away Chicago. Nearly two dozen shops in the Gold Coast and Magnificent Mile, including Furla, Scoop, Vince, and La Perla will slash prices and offer amazing deals for from 5 to 9 p.m. Just RSVP and the shopaholic in you can experience that incredible, irreplaceable feeling we all hope for. How much damage can you do in four hours?

Photo: Via Chicago Shopping