Remember when Girls crooner Christopher Owens up and left the band — leaving many (including us) scratching our heads and somewhat sad over the unexpected-slash-premature break-up? We kind of knew there was something brewing behind the scenes, since Owens' tweets indicated that he would be focusing on a lone venture. Well, lo and behold, the former frontman has already revealed part of his much-anticpated solo project — a new single titled "Here We Go."
While we're not entirely sure why the split happened, we're stoked that he's tossed a new jam our way. And whatever the case may be, the song off his forthcoming solo album (slated for release in January) captures the melodic, melancholy tone we’ve come to love in Girls’ music. So, we’ll take it! Listen and let us know what you think of Owens’ solo ditty in the comments!.
Photographed by Molly DeCoudreaux