30 Things People Don't Realize You're Doing Because Of Your Chronic Illness

Photographed by Rochelle Brock.
If you fight the daily battle of chronic illness, you’ve probably picked up some habits, behaviors, or coping techniques that help you manage your condition and navigate everyday life. But these battles aren’t always visible to those around you. It can be difficult to know exactly what it means to be a “chronic warrior” if you’ve never experienced chronic illness yourself.
To shed some light on the struggles those with chronic illness face, we asked our Mighty community to share things they do that others don’t realize they’re doing because they are chronic warriors. This is the reality of fighting a battle with your body every day. Friends may not always understand what another person is going through, but they can refrain from judgment and instead offer support and encouragement to the chronic warriors in their lives.
This story was originally published on The Mighty, a platform for people facing health challenges to share their stories and connect.

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