11 Rescue Animals That Deserve All The Love

Alex Cearns photographs more than 900 pets each year, but the ones that mean the most to her are those that are "different." Her project Perfect Imperfection celebrates the beauty of animals, especially those that suffer from disabilities — dogs without eyes, cats with three legs, and animals who have survived abuse.
"Most animals with ‘afflictions’ don’t dwell on them," Cearns, who is based in Perth, Australia, says in a statement. "They adapt to their bodies without complaint, and they survive with determination. They push on, always, wanting to be included and involved in everything as much as they can — and as much as an able-bodied pet does."
Cearns' Houndstooth Studio works with 50 animal charity organizations, photographing rescued creatures from around the world. "The tenacity of animals to overcome adversity never ceases to amaze me," Cearns says. "They make the most out of life... From them, I have learned so much about always seeing the positive in every situation and never giving up."
Ahead, a glimpse at Cearns' latest series, which is dedicated to Savannah and Rowdy — may they rest in peace.


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