The life of a style editor is a bit of a hustle, but that doesn't mean we don't enjoy a good roam around the internet for a cute cat or two—we're only human. If you've ever wondered how your favorite Refinery29 editors waste their time, now's your chance to steal a peek into their browser histories. Click through for our editor's favorite, addictive time-waster blogs.

Kate Mulling, Los Angeles Editor. Cuteroulette
"It gets me every time!"

Connie Wang, Global Editor: Dads On Vacation
"I have a folder on my own computer of my dad being a "dad" on vacation. This blog gives my old man some competition."

Kristian Laliberte, New York Editor: Perez Hilton.
"Do I really care what Denise Richards is doing right this second? No. Do I keep reading, equal parts disgusted and fascinated? Yes."

Shani Silver, Chicago Editor: Ca$hcats
"I can't stop. I literally cannot stop."

Christie Craft, Managing Editor: Dancing Alone To Pony

Lisa Dionisio, Production Editor: thisissand
"Like art camp, but less messy. "

Betsey McLain, Beauty Editor: Cute Overload
"I'm not sure how to joke about this without sounding like a crazy person. But instead of having pet, I look at this blog."

Katie Hintz, San Francisco Editor: Daily Mail UK
"I think I must click on 99% of the little
thumbnails on the right side of the main page, even if its some sleazy
story about a British celebrity I've never heard of."