If you love street style photos, but don't really have the time to commit to your own blog, we found a way for you to show off your styling skills and possibly win a free Balenciaga bag at the same time. eDrop-Off, the luxury designer consignment store that lets you buy or sell designer clothing and accessories, wants you to show off something you've bought on their site. The store's appropriately titled Show Us What You Bought contest is on now, so dive into your closet for all the cool finds that came your way because of eDrop Off. Get a trusted pal to snap a pic of you wearing the item and making it your own. For your efforts, you'll be entered to win the adorbs Balenciaga clutch bag shown below. Take a look at the recent entries for inspiration (they're really good!), then snap a pic and send it in. You're going to have to beat us for that clutch, but good luck! (Facebook)

Photo: Courtesy of eDrop Off