Give a girl a drink, she'll have a lovely afternoon. Teach a girl to make a drink, and she's happy forever. On June 12, up your happy hour game and attend Filini restaurant's cocktail class, taught by local mixologist Eric Hay of Wirtz Beverage Group. Each month this summer, Hay will focus schooling his lucky students on how to make one classic cocktail. June's libation is the Whiskey Smash, a drink we plan to dive into, face-first, all summer. The class is free (better than free actually, you get to drink the creation you make!) and fills up fast, so make sure to reserve your spot for either the 5:45 or 6:30 p.m. lesson by emailing Filini, right now. By the end of summer, happy hour will officially be held at your place.
Filini at the Raddison Blu Aqua Hotel, 221 North Columbus Drive (between Water Street & Lower South Water Street); 312-477-0234.
Photo: Courtesy of Wagstaff Worldwide