Game Of Thrones, Inc.: Your Favorite Houses As Multinational Corporations

It's easy enough to compare some of those warring, scheming, sexing Game Of Thrones houses as actual historical dynasties and we've already explained to you what a Tyrell would wear. But our GoT-riddled brains have actually never wandered far enough to think about what sort of businesses the Lannisters, Starks, and Targaryens might launch in today's corporate market. More the fool we.
As a fun, fantasy-inspired experiment in branding, the commercial-image library Shutterstock — which provides photos for thousands upon thousands of ads every year — whipped up these cheeky Photoshopped campaigns for all the major houses of Westeros. Those greedy, sociopathic Lannisters are — quite obviously — in the financial services sector, the naval Greyjoys run aquatic cruises, and the Starks market rough-weather outerwear (all the better for keeping yourself warm in winter...which is totally coming, BTW.)
Fast Company tells us there's a larger lesson in branding to be learned here, which is all well and good, we suppose. We, however, are more interested in what kind of meals they would serve on Air Targaryen. Roast sheep, extra well done? (Shutterstock)

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