Mazels All Around: Baby Boy Rancic Is Here

We already broke out the champ' this spring when reailty TV darlings (and part-time Chicago locals) Giuliana and Bill announced they were expecting, but now their bundle of joy has finally entered the world. Little Edward Duke Rancic was born via gestational surrogate last night, weighing in at a healthy seven pounds, four ounces. And, if he looks anything like his papa, we can guess that he's quite the stunner.
The proud parents, who have been camped out in Denver on a self-proclaimed "baby-moon," will be heading to the Windy City next to start their new life — and, if rumor has it, open the sister restaurant to the popular RPM Italian. After the turmoil of the last few years (miscarriages and breast cancer, to name a few), we're more than elated that our favorite Chi-town couple has found such happiness. G&B, we're raising our glass to you. (E! Online)

Photo: Via E! Online

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