Stressed About Heading Home For The Holidays? These 14 Essentials Will Help You Brave Family Time
Last Updated December 9, 2021, 3:00 PM
The holidays are about more than processed sugar or chunky knits or texts from your high school ex. That’s right: They’re also about family, and all the good-natured *apprehension* that comes with spending time at home — commentary on your sartorial choices, constant over-feeding, and best of all, frequent mention of your seemingly terminal single-ness. Even in the best of scenarios, it’s all but inevitable that one too many nights spent sharing your childhood bedroom with your sleep-talkitive great aunt will take a toll.
That’s not to say there aren’t positive aspects (we’re not bitter — we swear). But if you are going to enjoy the company of family this season, you’ll likely need to give yourself ways to handle all the not-so-fun parts heading home, too. So, in the interest of getting you through this holiday season (in ok spirits!), you’re going to need to plan accordingly.
That’s why we put together a guide of all the essentials you need to survive family time in a chaotic, bustling holiday house. No, we can’t help you snag an aunt who doesn’t snore, but we can help you stay occupied, even while appetizer-related warfare transpires downstairs. Shop ahead, and save yourself some brain cells.