6 Ways To Have Sex When It's Too Hot To Be Touched

Photographed by Lauren Perlstein.
This summer, the weather in New York City has been like entering the seventh level of hell. Sure, the thermometer may only read 89, but when humidity is 5,000%, the whole city is basically a sauna. So when my air conditioner broke a few weeks ago, I wasn't happy — and I sure as hell didn't feel like having sex. Luckily, my girlfriend felt the same way. When I jokingly asked if she wanted to come over to my 80 degree apartment and test out my new period sex blanket, she said absolutely f*cking not. And I was totally cool with that, because I was too hot to even touch myself.
But what if you're stuck without an air conditioner for a really long time? Or what if you can't afford air conditioning? Or what if you're camping, or at an outdoor music festival and there's a hottie whose clothes you really want to take off?
Don't worry. If you're in a situation where you want to have sex in the hot, hot heat, there are ways to make it happen, says Megan Fleming, PhD, a sex and relationship therapist in New York City. All of the options break down into one of two categories: You can either deal with the heat and find ways to touch as little as possible, or you can figure out a way to cool your sex down (without losing any of the fiery feelings). I asked to Fleming explain the best ways to have hot-weather sex, and they did not disappoint — unlike my AC unit.

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