You've got almost a month to prepare, so get to training. The Kardashians are set to invade the Windy City on April 20 to promote their clothing line for Sears. While some may be interested in actually meeting the reality-TV threesome, others of us are hoping to avoid 'em like the plague, as well as the hoards of people, cameras, and traffic that roll in their extended entourage. We have no idea where they're staying, so maybe just bypass all downtown hotels. Steer clear of Sears, if you weren't doing that anyway, and maybe be extra mindful of Chicago's most posh, celeb-frequented restos for a day or two. We're thinking Paris Club/Studio Paris, because like, that's where we'd send them if they asked us. Have you honed any stellar celeb-avoiding skills lately? Share the knowledge in our comments section. We're in this together! (About Last Night)

Photo: Via About Last Night