Feast your eyes and tastebuds on the spring preview party your dayplanner has been waiting for, because Labrabbit Optics is hosting a bash this Saturday, April 30 at 6 p.m., and it's definitely a winner. In addition to new spring styles for the optically-challenged, you'll get to check out the artistic works of Shelby Silvernell, a recent Chicago-transplant who will be delighting guests with Constructs, her latest installation piece. Plus, WITCHPILGRIM, an intuitive gastronomic experience, will be feeding tummies and minds with digestibles inspired by natural light and color. Yes, we're just as curious as you are. See you there?
Labrabbit Optics, 1104 N. Ashland Avenue (at Haddon Avenue); 773-957-4733.
Labrabbit Optics, 1104 N. Ashland Avenue (at Haddon Avenue); 773-957-4733.