6 Ways To Feel More Energized The Morning After A Sleepless Night

Photographed by Michael Beckert.
There's a very particular type of dread that comes with trying to fall asleep at night. Not only are you counting the hours that you'll actually get to rest, but you know that the later (or earlier) it gets, the more exhausted you'll be the next day. It's a vicious cycle, and many of us are left to figure out how to feel less like a zombie afterwards.
To be clear, if you are someone who suffers from chronic insomnia, and you're unable to sleep most nights, it's worth it to talk to a doctor who can suggest treatments that may help. But if you just had one terrible night — because you're PMSing or daylight saving time screwed you up — then there are tactics that can help you get through the day.
Ahead, Raj Dasgupta, MD, FAASM, assistant professor of clinical medicine at Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California, explains what to do to survive the morning after a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad night.

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