Somewhere between the office gift exchange and your sweet little ol' grandmother, chances are you have a box (or two) of candy rolling around from the holidays — we sure do. While your first inclination might be to toss the temptation so you can stick to that healthy-eating New Year's reso, we've got a delicious DIY that just might make you change your mind.
Chicago-based photographer/pastry-chef Eva Daiberl (a.k.a. Miss Renaissance) has inspired us to put those goodies to good use. She's taken Tartine's fudgy and amazing brownie recipe and given it a tasty twist of her own — Ferrero Rocher candies, for some hazelnutty, crunchy-and-creamy goodness (yes please!). All you need to do is dunk 16 Rochers into the batter before baking, making sure you cover 'em up completely so they don't burn — easy peasy.
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Toblerone, bourbon balls, pralines — this recipe could work with whatever you have on hand. And with Valentine's day around the corner, why not try making some sweets for the sweetie in your life? Click over to Miss Renaissance for all the steps and get baking!
Photo: Courtesy of Miss Renaissance