What inspired you to start NeatMethod?
"Although we are both from Chicago, we met while shopping in San Francisco. We had both just recently moved there and were thrilled to find each other in this new city that we now called home. We immediately set a "date" for coffee and that is where it all began. The inspiration to start NEAT Method developed after we discovered that we both shared a crazy, OCD obsession with organizing. We wanted to create a fresh new approach, hence why our unique "method" was developed."
What organization mistakes are most common?
"The biggest mistake is truly just people not getting rid of things that they no longer use or wear. It might have been their favorite outfit in college, but guess what...college was 10 years ago. People often think that they need to add something to make their home more beautiful, but truly we think you need to take things away."
What has been your favorite organization project of all time?
"This is a tough one...I think we would say we really don't have a favorite of all time. Each project and client is so unique that it would be hard to pick just one. Honestly, at the end of nearly every job, we say "this one is my new favorite." It just keeps changing! Ashley tends to love moves and Molly is a sucker for kids rooms, but overall, we just love the challenge of making a person's space as NEAT as possible."
Is there anything in your own homes you're just dying to reorganize?
"Well...it's kind of like an interior designer, you're never completely satisfied with a space. There's always something new that we discover from organizing a client that gives us inspiration within our own homes. Currently, since Ashley just moved, she is dying to organize her forbidden "junk drawer" and Molly has a shoe problem that she needs to solve sooner rather than later."
What is one service you offer that readers might not even know they need?
"The best thing that we offer is the shopping for and implementation of all the necessary containers/drawer organizers for every space. If all a client had were the actual bins, baskets, and containers...it would be a really good start to getting organized!"