"I'm Every Woman," "No Scrubs,"' "Since You've Been Gone," and of course, "Single Ladies," —these anthems just got a whole new meaning with our list of NYC's Most Eligible Bachelorettes, all of whom personify the badass, independent women the songs celebrate. But don't worry, guys, we understand if it seems impossible to approach a talented, fashionable NYC lady: You know, the ones who look like they'd crush your skull just for asking to buy them a drink? Well, while we've reshuffled your dating scene in the past by bringing you NYC's Most Eligible Bachelors, now it's time for the girls to shine (long overdue, huh fellas?!), and we picked the ones who might just accept that dirty Martini. Yes, we've taken the guesswork out of the dating game by serving up some of our seriously smart, seriously gorgeous, seriously single NYC gal-crushes. But please don't embarrass us by showing up on your date in a fedora and square-toed shoes, 'cuz we're sure this list of unattached lovelies won't stay single much longer! Click through to find your dream girl (with a little 4-1-1), passable pick-up lines not included.