Yes, This Is Adorable: Can We Get A Woof Woof For The R29 Pups?

Happy Take Your Dog To Work Day! It's a real, totally legit, not-at-all imaginary holiday that the whole nation gets to partake in today. However, pretty much every day at Refinery29 HQ is a dog's day. In our pooch-friendly workplace, we're lucky enough to be in the presence of furry, four-legged pals on a regular, albeit rotating (yes, we have a puppy calendar), basis.
Generally speaking, our readers don't get to see the pups behind the scenes, but what better time than this national holiday (okay, the banks and post offices are open, but it still counts) to officially introduce the R29 canines, and maybe even tell you a little bit about them. They're sweet, they're smart, and you can bet they're some of the cutest pooches around. Wanna meet 'em? Just put your paws up click!
Photographed by Laura Miller

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