9 Outdoor Date Ideas For New Yorkers Who Need A Little Excitement

Photographed by Jessica Nash.
If you're a serial dater in New York City, then you've probably got a solid first-date routine. You swipe right, strike up a conversation, and suggest drinks at your favorite dive bar near work. But there are only so many times you can have a glass of wine in a dimly-lit bar before it gets repetitive. And repetition breeds boredom and boredom breeds bad dates.
So give your date their best shot, and break out of your routine. Spring, summer, and fall (basically any time of the year when you won't freeze upon stepping outside) all offer plenty of opportunity for exciting, outdoor dates.
Outdoor dates? In New York City, land of dirty sidewalks and lack of trees?? Yes! Despite the dirty-city stereotype, there are about 5,000 ways to entertain yourself outside in Manhattan and the surrounding boroughs. Read on for a few suggestions, and start thinking outside the dive bar.

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