Chicago’s Chicest Showroom Cleans House And Sells All Its Samples!

If Outfit Chicago sounds familiar, it should. We interviewed co-owner Kate Nardo on what it's like to have your dream job, and jealousy ensued. This Sunday, meet Kate at her showroom in West Town for a once-in-a-lifetime sample sale, for real. The showroom will be cleaning house, offering up all of its samples for sale at insanely low prices. We're hearing about tops, silk blouses, denim, and tons more for 75% off retail. All sales are cash only, so visit the ATM before you stop by. Doors open at 1 p.m. (and they close at 5)—we wouldn't be late if we were you.

Outfit Chicago, 833 W Chicago Avenue (at Green Street), Suite 201; no phone.

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