Have you joined the poutine revolution yet? The Canadian savory snack (and perfect hangover remedy) is taking over Chicago, so it's high time to get on board. (Chicago Magazine)
This heat wave doesn't seem like it's going away anytime soon, and we're not sure how we feel about it. Check out what your neighbors had to say about the rising mercury. (Redeye)
Men of the world, take note: this is how you wear a hoodie, and still look oh-so-stylish. (The Midwestyle)
Behold, the ultimate birthday ensemble — a power necklace, a power handbag, and power stilettos. Show the world you're the boss on your special day. (Miss Renaissance)
We don't know about you, but we've certainly been craving some cool-down sweets all day week long. Snow cone, anyone? (Redeye)

Photo: Via Chicago Magazine