The Secret To Never Wasting Money On A Beauty Product Again

We’ve all been there: You take your hard-earned paycheck to Sephora, excited to splurge on a fancy new moisturizer that promises to rejuvenate your skin or an expensive lipstick that looks gorgeous in the tube. Then, you get home, and — the horror! — it’s all wrong. Sometimes, your new purchase (and optimism) doesn’t even make it that far. You try it on as soon as you get in the car, and your heart falls as you check yourself out in the rearview mirror.
What do you do with this beauty dud now? Unless you bought it from the drugstore, you'll likely be unable to return it. You could always give it to your mom or a friend, but, deep down, you know it’s just going to gather dust on your vanity. What a waste of money and product, right?
But, it doesn’t have to be that way. Check out our favorite suggestions for repurposing your cosmetics, along with other beauty products that have extra uses that may surprise you. That $40 foundation will never languish in the back of your vanity drawer ever again.

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