There's nothing that can be said to express how truly horrific the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School was. Equally, there's almost nothing individuals can do to help the Sandy Hook community other than listen and offer whatever comforts we can. Issues of gun control and mental health are for the government and the public at large to deal with, but what Newtown needs right now is unconditional love.
And, in a story that warms our hearts, at least some people in that heartbroken town are getting a taste of unconditional love, thanks to a pack of golden retrievers flown in from Chicago. Specially trained as comfort dogs by Lutheran Church Charities, the canines have been making their way around town, offering moments of respite for people who are suffering so much.
Now, before you second guess all this, either by noting that this is a faith-based initiative or that it's too little, too late, remember that when there's nothing to be done but grieve and reflect, sometimes petting a creature who wants nothing more than to love and be loved can be a real saving grace. After all, the retrievers comfort without speaking, and this tragedy, as we said, is beyond words. (Chicago Tribune)