7 Sex Educators Who Are Totally Rocking It

Sex education isn’t something people generally think of as a fun activity. More often than not, it’s depicted as awkward, boring, and uninformative (at best). In fact, when we polled our readers about sex ed, nearly a third of them reported that theirs was “terrible,” and 75% said that they didn’t feel well prepared to have sex after going through sex ed. But it doesn’t always have to be such a cringe-worthy experience. There are some sex educators out there who are figuring out ways to make sex ed not only interesting, but also inclusive, sex-positive, and effective.
To prove it, we reached out to seven incredible sex educators across the country who are moving beyond the age-old condom-on-a-banana demonstration and shaking up the way we teach sexuality in America. From using pizza to teach pleasure and consent to taking sex ed to the back of limousines to addressing kink head-on, each of these educators has something important to share about how we can be more inclusive, relatable, and fun in our execution of sex education. Pay attention: These are examples of sex ed done right.
Click through to see what these educators from around the country want you to know about sex ed and the super cool ways they’re going about it.
These interviews have been edited for length and clarity.

The gap between what we learned in sex ed and what we're learning through sexual experience is big — way too big. So we're helping to connect those dots by talking about the realities of sex, from how it's done to how to make sure it's consensual, safe, healthy, and pleasurable all at once. Check out more here.


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