7 Beauty Editors Own Up To Their Most Obnoxious Beauty Habits

You're likely all too familiar with white male privilege, but you may not know its very, very distant relative: beauty-editor privilege. Sure, it's a lot less pervasive and problematic in the grand scheme of things, but it's still real. And if you're peeking in from the outside, it doesn't look good.
You see, beauty-editor privilege is the result of having jobs that allow us access to hundreds of amazing creams, lipsticks, and perfumes — all of which we get to test-drive without ever taking out our wallets. We get jaded, we get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff in our medicine cabinets, and we start using that expensive hair mask as shaving cream. We think we're being innovative; everyone else thinks we're being wildly out of touch.
But give us a bit more credit! Here we are, owning up to the obnoxious habits we've developed through our line of work. You're going to roll your eyes, yes, but if you're a product hoarder like most of us, maybe (just maybe) you'll see hints of yourself here, too. Except for using La Mer as body lotion — even we realize that's just plain crazy.

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