Style Syllabus: How Not To Look Like A Bum Over Winter Break

Ah, winter break...time to rejoice, time to relax, and definitely time to disappear into old Glee episodes and not leave your bed for a month. There's nothing quite as satisfying as coming home in dead-tired zombie mode after finals, stuffing your face for days on end, and then running into your high school boyfriend on the street. Not that it matters (water under the bridge, right?), but even in your late-December haze, a slightly surprised "Wow, you look great!" does something special for the old ego.
Unfortunately, when you're living out of a suitcase and spending most of your time with Mom and Dad, motivation to shower daily — not to mention, apply makeup or get out of pajamas– quickly dwindles. But for those rare occasions that you do get it together, there's a couple of quick-fix beauty tricks to keep you looking like the stunner you are...even on your time off. Don't be scared: Take off the sweats and step into the light of day, 'cause with these hints up your sleeve, you'll be a whole new woman!

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