Tavi Gevinson of The Style Rookie and RookieMag.com can now add one more notch to the resume we'd die for — an appearance on NPR. While we're still keeping our fingers crossed for a This American Life chit chat session with Ira Glass, we were more than happy to hear what Tavi had to say on
Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me
. During the interview, she's mostly the Tavi we know and love, responding to questions with a coolness and grace no one is supposed to have at 15. At one point host Peter Sagal confides that he'd like to earn some cool points with his kids, and Tavi obliges. After a quick lesson in abbrevs (you totes know what abbrevs is, natch!), Sagal is ready to face his teens, head held high. Click to stream the whole interview! (NPR)
Photo: Via NPR.