We know, the last thing you want in your inbox is another coupon for 50% off a bikini wax, lazer treatment, or yoga class. Which is why we're not recommending one! Scoutmob is a new deal site that recently made its way to Chicago, and in exchange for giving you stellar discounts at places you actually like to go, it asks that you give it...nothing. That's right. Forget paying $25 for $50 worth of Botox. Scoutmob's coupons are literally free. The downside? They don't come around as frequently as the 15 deal sites currently invading your life, but we see that as a good thing. Today's deal? A free coupon for half off your bill the next time you dine at Mexique in West Town. It's delicious, it's local, and it has no interest whatsoever in removing your body hair or making you look younger. Finally, sweet relief.