Flywheel Sports, Chicago’s newest spinning studio, will kick your spin class into high gear for one
reason—accountability. If you’ve ever taken a spin class, you know that they work largely on the honor system. The idea is that if the instructor tells you to increase the resistance, you’re supposed to increase the resistance. But, if your quads are burning or you just don’t feel crossing the line between glisten and sweat, you can forego the increase in resistance and no one in the class would know that you were, well, cheating (as long as you have a good “I’m working so hard right now” face). Flywheel Sports keeps you honest because your bike is hooked up to a screen at the front of the studio that displays your performance compared to others in the class. So, if the instructor says you’re going up a hill, unless you want to look like the class slacker, you’re going up a hill. You do have the option of hiding you statistics from your fellow spinners, but at $25 per session, it’s this extra motivation that will make the class worth it. The studio, which already has locations in New York and Florida, opened its Gold Coast location at the beginning of August.
Flywheel Sports, 710 North State Street, Chicago IL 60654; (312) 624-8485