A beautiful bouquet delivered to your door can brighten even the lamest winter day. After a few while though, that gorgeous gift can wilt along with your mood. Michael Gaffney, founder of the American Schools of Flower Design, and the Chicago School of Flower Design, shares his tips for taking care of your blooms.

For long-lasting flower love, follow these quick tips:
1. Water. Duh. Make sure your flowers always have fresh water, but you might also try this: dunk flowers upside down in water once you receive them. The water will coat the petals and make your flowers last much longer.
2. A little trim. Clean and trim your flowers every day for maximum life. Even better, trim under water, especially right after you receive them.
3. Ask an expert! Ask your florist if the special buds that were picked just for you require any kind of unique care. It never hurts to ask, and you might end up with gorgeous sights and smells for much longer!