Shop Topshop’s Spring Stock Tomorrow And Get Your Party On, Too

We still haven't gotten over the joy of Brit invador Topshop finally setting up shop in Chicago — we could literally get lost in that place for hours. It seems the gang over at CS Magazine have a bit of Anglo-fever as well, because they're throwing a Spring Style Party at the flagship store tomorrow to celebrate. Street style photogs and stylish gals about town, like Amy Creyer of Chicago Street Style and Emma Arnold of Tres Awesome, will be the hosts for the evening. Partygoers can browse the store's to-die-for maxi dresses and printed pants, and take advantage of the free apps and cocktails, while DJ Dani Deahl takes care of the tunes.
RSVP to, and start perfecting that British accent, guvnah'.
When: Wednesday, April 18, from 6 to 9 p.m.
Where: Topshop, 830 North Michigan Avenue (between East Pearson and East Chestnut streets); 312-280-6834.
Photo: Courtesy CS Magazine

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