We know it's like, the best movie ever, and we know you're all secretly dying to be (and dress like) Sloan. But we also know that most of us have this baby on DVD, Netflix streaming, or (gasp) VHS. There are even those of us who have attempted to re-create scenes from this Chicago-shot classic all on our own. Sadly, they did not catch on via YouTube. Still, when we heard that Groupon is planning to screen Ferris Bueller's Day Off at Wrigley Field, our hearts leapt, then quickly plummeted back to Earth when we learned that to score the best seats in the house, you've gotta pay up–big time. VIP tix to the screening are $75, with less-awesome seats available for a lower price. We ask you, are you willing to pay $75 to see a movie you can recite line-by-line? Or would you rather hang out in your living room on a Saturday with grown-up drinks and mac-n-cheese? Erm...(CBS Chicago)

Image via CBS Chicago.