Yoga For Cats Is A Thing You Should Know About

It’s a fact that cats have supreme reign over the Internet. But sadly, they don’t share the same popularity IRL — according to the ASPCA, only 37% of cats that arrive at shelters are adopted. As of late, we’ve seen the arrival of Cat Cafes and Cat Libraries, all touting the therapeutic benefits of human-animal interaction. But what if we were to take those benefits a step further — and hopefully raise that 37% figure in the process? Enter: Yoga for Cats. Started as a partnership between Homeward Bound Pet Shelter of Decatur, IL and Yoga at Connie’s of Latham, IL, the recent interspecies event allowed cats to roam around a real yoga class. What ensued was some hilariously adorable cat participation (you can watch it in the video above), as the felines inspected mats and made themselves comfortable in the most inconvenient places — directly under a human body in downward dog, for example. The hope behind Yoga for Cats is to raise awareness and spark instant bonds that could lead to adoption. Note to animal shelters and yoga studios across the country: Please set up more collaborations ASAP! Meet the adoptable kitties of HBPS here.

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