So they think they can pull a fast one on us, eh? Zappos, the e-commerce destination we relied on (for years) for all last-minute please-help-me-I-need-shoes emergencies, has quietly changed its shipping policy in a devastating fashion. Remember that lovely, free overnight shipping you trusted as much as your Honda Civic? It's gone! Free shipping at Zappos will now have you waiting 4-5 business days for your shoes. Want next-day service? You can still have it, but it'll cost ya. Don't they know we need this? Event-specific shoe shopping will never, ever be the same. We feel, among other things, deeply saddened. Feel free to console us in our comments section.
Marc by Marc Jacobs 616931 wedge boots, $189 (originally $380) available at Zappos, in 4-5 business days.