Pick and choose where you indulge rather than diving into every dessert tray and punch bowl you see.
Even if you're usually mindful of what you eat, the holidays have a way of negating your good habits. December feels like a free for all — with endless snacks, weird dips, cookies, and cocktails. (Of course, that's not necessarily a bad thing.) However, going nuts all day, every day isn't a great idea either. It's about trade-offs. Going to a fondue extravaganza tonight? Awesome, take me. But, maybe go easy on the office cocktail hour beforehand.

Give yourself a brief moment of self-care every day.
Is that a new email? Where's my phone? There's always something or someone beckoning to us via our myriad digital devices. And, since December is crunch time — there's A LOT to do before the holiday break — our obsession with our devices is stronger than ever.
Get some action.
Another great way to take a quick stress-relieving break is to hit the bed. Yes, sleep is important, but we mean the more fun kind of hitting the sheets — research proves that if you're in a satisfying relationship, then sex will help relieve stress. Kind of a no-brainer, but it's actually kind of easy to overlook sexual needs during stressful periods. Also, it doesn't take a partner to obtain the stress-relieving effects of orgasm. Solo or coupled up, focusing on your sexual needs during periods of stress is a must. And, it's free — at least you're not further maxing out your credit cards in search of a good time.

Work it out.
It's hard enough to roll out of bed in the morning and soldier on to the gym. Add to that fact your massive hangover and the 23-degrees weather outside, and things look even bleaker. But, it's important to make time for exercise, even if it's just a little bit, as this is really going to help relieve stress in a big way. Roselli advises we take time wherever we are to get in at least a little legwork. "After you write a Christmas card, you do 20 squats and 10 push-ups. If you have as many Christmas cards to write as I do, before you know it, you will have performed quite a bit of exercise!" Um, yeah, good luck with that one.
Watch out for #1.
And, most importantly, we need to remember that, whatever our role, we've got to take a step back and focus on our mental well-being before focusing on the needs of other.
"In general, women wear many hats and live extremely busy live," Roselli continues, "Particularly during the holiday season, women need to remember themselves as they prepare to make the other people in their lives happy."