Jack White & Die Antwoord Top The Lolla Rumors. Who Are You Hoping For?

When Pitchfork gives us a heads up about something, we listen. In today's musings? Lollapalooza lineup rumors are flying, but is the Chicago-based mega-fest driving them with its own advertisements? Hidden in CTA ads are, according to Pitchfork, clues as to who will be announced in the lineup on April 11. The top notables include Jack White and Die Antwoord, but this has us thinking about the possibility of other rockin' favorites, too. Who would you just like, die to hear announced in the Lollapalooza set list this year? Are you buying tickets no matter what? We know, it's not until August, but we can dream, right? Hit up our comments section with your idea of the perfect lineup. Who knows, maybe Lolla will listen! (Pitchfork)

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