Photo: Via @bodyposipanda.
Being happy about your body every single day can be a tough ask.
Although things are slowly changing, we're still presented with unrealistic images of what certain people in society deem "beautiful".
And with summer coming up, which means less clothing and, oh my goodness, everything that goes with the total rubbish that is "beach body ready", it can get a little tougher.*
So we decided to put together a little cheat sheet for you – an army of the best body positive people on Instagram. People who are open and real about their beauty, their mental health, their struggle to feel accepted and their battles to love themselves.
Click through and follow these wonderful people in a bid to transform your Instagram feed from something that makes you feel bad into your own personal source of body positivity inspiration.
*BTW, you know how you get "beach body ready" right? Have a body, and go to the beach. Sorted.