4 Lessons I Learned From My Leo Sister

photographed by Lauren Maccabee.
My sister is, in many ways, what one might call a "textbook" Leo. She's honest, funny, extremely generous, and more than a little aggressive. We've been told we have similar mannerisms and looks, but, astrologically speaking, she's basically the perfect foil to my anxious, rule-abiding, and, let's be honest, uptight Capricorn. Maybe it's because she's my older sister, but there have been countless times in our lives where I wanted to be more like her, and her astrological identity has certainly played a role in that.
While there's a reason why we aren't all Leos (could you imagine the yelling?), the rest of us could stand to learn something from their passionate, expansive approach to life. From their confidence to their emotional honesty to their overall boldness, Leos possess many traits that most of us only aspire to have. Again, it isn't useful to be baldly honest, proud, and pushy all the time, but Leo is the rare sign that not only knows what it wants but knows how to pursue it and, in the end, usually get it.
In honour of the ongoing Leo season, I'm sharing four lessons I learned from growing up with a Leo that still apply to my everyday life — and, if you're trying to tap into your inner lioness, they just might apply to you, too.

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