Everybody, meet Blake and MacKenzie. They got engaged last weekend, and they used the occasion (and their announcement) to teach everybody a little something about eschewing traditional sexual orientation and gender roles. You see, until she met Blake, MacKenzie had only dated guys. But alas, she fell in love with Blake, who is very much not a guy. While this may seem like a relatively simple concept to some, others feel a constant need to slap on a label. For her part, MacKenzie doesn't consider herself a lesbian, but rather a woman who happens to be marrying another woman.
To avoid confusion (and bias sentiment), the happy couple took to Facebook to announce their engagement — and provided a handy (and hilarious) Q&A. For all those acquaintances she hadn't seen in several years, MacKenzie answered questions like "Didn't you date dudes when I knew you in high school/college/your early 20s?" Or, "Is it weird being in a same-sex relationship for the first time?" Her responses are equal parts informative and incredibly witty, and basically kick sexual-orientation labels to the curb. Heartwarmingly, all the reactions were more than positive. MacKenzie certainly isn't the first person to change her sexual orientation, but we're applauding her and Blake for making a statement. Head over to BuzzFeed to read the rest of their story, and mazel tov to the happy couple! (BuzzFeed)