If You're Looking For A One-Night Stand, This Is The Best Month For Them

Photographed by Lula Hyers.
If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you are probably wearing a lot less clothing now than in winter. You are probably spending more time outside. You also might be more likely to be looking for a one-night-only hookup. That's according to data OkCupid collected from its users from 2013-2016.
The dating site asked 18 million users, "About how long do you want your next relationship to last?" according to OkCupid blogger Kelly Cooper. The possible answers were: "One night," "A few months to a year," "Several years," or "The rest of my life." From April through June, that number goes up 17 percent, and for June alone, it's up 33 percent.
One reason for that is the weather. "I would say that the increase [of interest in one-night stands] in the summer (assuming in Northern Hemisphere) reflects the warmer weather and perhaps less inhibition as one is wearing fewer clothes," Susan Krauss Whitbourne, a professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amhers, told OkCupid.
There's also the vacation factor.
"More students, vacationers, interns and other travelers join OkCupid during this time," Dale Markowitz, the company's data scientist, said on the site. "Since these members are not necessarily tied to the place where they’re dating, maybe they are less likely to look for a serious commitment."
That's in line with another survey conducted back in 2014, finding that 52 percent of men and 41 percent of women have had a one-night stand while traveling. We're not exactly saying either one of those is a scientific study, but this is good info to have. If you'd been contemplating getting a little wilder, it's nice to know others are with you on this. Here's one more bit of food for thought: Biological anthropologist Helen Fisher found in a survey she conducted for in 2014 that 27 percent of respondents said they'd had a one-night stand that turned into a long-term relationship.
Just do yourself a favor and be honest with your partner and yourself about your expectations. As one anonymous Refinery29er said in our Sex School guide to one-night stands, "Be clear about your intentions and desires. If your potential partner isn't on the same page, politely decline or get reoriented. Nothing ruins a one-night stand more than having high expectations unmet."
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