This summer, the one thing I absolutely, positively cannot live without is...
"Crop tops. Paired with my high-wasted Levi's cut-offs or slouchy boyfriend overalls for coverage, they keep me a little cooler in this insane heat."
Current food obsession...
"Pho forever and always. Bring on the sriracha until I cry spicy tears of joy."
Next up on my Netflix is...
"Portlandia. I've only caught a couple episodes so far, but it's hilarious. Plus, fewer things are funnier than Fred Armisen in drag."
Latest guilty pleasure...
"Any and all Bravo reality shows. I sing along to the summer programming promos (yep, the ones with that Miley Cyrus and Will.I.Am song) every time they come on TV. (This seemed way less embarrassing until I just publicized it)."
The one song I can listen to over and over...and over is...
"'Silver Springs' by Fleetwood Mac. I'm totally mesmerized by Stevie Nicks' voice, but Kate Hudson does a killer 15-second cover on The Rachel Zoe Project. YouTube it now."
The latest trick I've picked up from the other R29 editors is...
"How to cut a plain white T-shirt so it looks cool, not cheesy. I'm a tutorial junkie."
My must-have cheap thrill...
"I love whipping up DIY beauty products. Homemade potions are a surefire way to know exactly what goes into your skin or hair treatments. I keep my kitchen stocked with olive or coconut oil, sugar, bananas, avocados, and honey — my go-to ingredients."