In theory, the first of the year is the perfect date to begin working toward a happier, healthier you. The holidays have come and gone, the bûche de nöel has been eaten, and you're finally finished with traveling all over to meet family. It's time to make your resolution to take better care of yourself a reality — you know, in addition to calling grandma once a week and making your bed every single morning.
While we hate to toss a wrench in this, the reality stands: It's also the winter. Not only is getting out of R & R mode a real undertaking, but the bitter temps happening in parts of the country aren't exactly beckoning us to go on those three-mile runs. Quickly, our well-meaning healthy-living resolutions begin to pale in comparison to the temptation of hibernating until April with slightly stale Christmas cookies.
With this in mind, we've put together an 11-piece tool kit that makes getting (and staying!) on a healthy track in the new year a breeze. Start by downloading a meditation app, slipping on a Microsoft Band to monitor your daily exercise and sleep patterns, and buying the most handy water bottle of all time. With just a little help, you'll find that 2016 is ready for the taking.