4 Ways To Make Sunday Nights A Little Less Scary

photographed by Ashley Armitage; produced by Lorenna Gomez-Sanchez; modeled by Lorlei Black; produced by Megan Madden; modeled by Sebastian Rosemarie.
On any given Sunday night, I'm either relaxed, well-rested, and chilling out with Netflix before the week begins, or I am stressed, restless, and frantically trying to meal prep lunches for the days ahead. There is no in-between, and it usually falls to the latter, hence why I get the Sunday scaries more often than I'd like to admit.
And, I'm definitely not the only one who gets them — which is why the term Sunday scaries actually exists.
Kati Morton, LMFT, says that the Sunday before a full week can be so anxiety-inducing because you're either overwhelmed by everything you need to do that week, or you feel like you didn't have enough time to relax during the weekend or some combination of the two.
"It’s a combination of stress and anxiety because a lot of people feel overwhelmed only having two days of downtime, and then you have to get back into another week," she says. "And that feeling of, I thought I was going to get so much more done."
As common as that feeling is, you don't have to spend Sunday nights in a ball of stress about what you need to do or haven't done. Read on for a few tips on managing Sunday scaries.

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