The Most Underrated Pizza Joint In Chicago

Chicago is known for having amazing pizza that we'll defend fiercely should anyone come complaining. But sometimes, we're not into the huge production that is deep dish—we just want a good old slice. It's also no secret that Chicago's late-night dining could use a little help. But if you know where to look, you can satisfy your cravings for cheesy, gooey, saucy deliciousness in one underrated, charming place: The Pie Hole. This get-it-late pizza joint serves up a near-limitless number of customizable creations and weekly specials the super-friendly staff dreams up with fresh, yen-crushing ingredients, of course. Every time you walk through the door (no matter the hour), you'll be greeted by sweet, smiling pie purveyors that can't wait give you the good stuff. Don't look for this place in the Michelin guide. Just look for it in our eager, loving hands.
The Pie Hole, 3477 North Broadway Street (between Stratford Place & Cornelia Avenue); 773-525-8888.

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