7 Actually Achievable New Year’s Resolutions

Photo: Meg O'Donnell
Before you even think about making a New Year's Resolution, why not take a moment to appreciate everything you achieved in 2021? It's been another 12 months of dealing with pandemic stress and #WFH life on top of everything else life throws at you, so just getting through it is worth celebrating.
With this in mind, it makes sense for our 2022 New Year's Resolutions to be as flexible and friendly as possible. We really don't know what the first few months of the year will bring – our social lives could become socially distanced again – so there's no point setting yourself a target that's too rigid or onerous.
This slideshow contains seven ideas for New Year's Resolutions that could help to boost your physical, financial and emotional wellbeing without sucking all the fun out of life. Here's to a 2022 where you make small changes that really work for you.

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