What It's Really Like… To Be A Fitness Ambassador

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I would describe myself as an encourager and a motivator. My job title... personal trainer, adidas global ambassador and blogger. I've always enjoyed being active; as a child I loved team sports, athletics and dance. I left school to train as a professional dancer, graduated at the age of 19 and performed in musicals in the West End. A few years later, I got married and became a mum to our son Jude, now 6.
After becoming a mum, I wanted to work but needed a job that would fit in around my new life. It didn't take me long to realise I needed a job that was active – I knew that I couldn't spend all day sitting down. I have way too much energy! So I studied to become a personal trainer and in 2013, I started my own women-only bootcamp. It was a two-week bootcamp for 20 women, and we trained together daily. Throughout those two weeks, I saw a group of women – all different ages, abilities, shapes and sizes – working out together, supporting and cheering each other on. The energy and endorphins felt amazing and I knew that the fitness industry was going to be the place for me. I saw the way that fitness was transforming these women; they had become a part of a community and they all felt more confident and empowered. Five years later, I have now taken my passion for fitness, and particularly running, to create my blog and to build my own personal brand.
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I think that the key to building a successful career as a blogger is to share whatever it is that you are really passionate about. People know that I practise what I preach. As a qualified fitness trainer, I have worked with a variety of clients, I lead group workouts, running sessions and I also host talks about motivation and confidence. I love taking on new challenges and I document the journey to show people that if I can do it, so can they.
Since starting my blog almost three years ago, I have had the most incredible opportunities. I've met so many wonderful people, from Karlie Kloss and Stella McCartney to some of my best friends, like Hayley Jane Warnes and AJ Odudu. I've had some truly life-changing experiences, like walking in a show at London Fashion Week, and being an adidas ambassador has literally taken me around the world, from San Francisco to Stockholm, Copenhagen to South Africa. As an ambassador I am part of a worldwide network of women. Some of us are runners, some do yoga, some lift weights or swim or box, but we all have one thing in common. We all believe in women. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity.
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One of the highlights of last year was being asked to host a live Q&A with Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill in the adidas flagship London store. Becoming a multiple world and Olympic champion takes complete dedication and unimaginable hard work, and Jess is an athlete who has inspired a whole generation of young girls and many future champions. That was a pretty great day at work.
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No two days are ever the same, but most days I get up before 6am, some mornings I run before breakfast, then I get Jude ready and take him to school. I'm currently training for the Paris half-marathon in March, so I'm doing my best to stick to my training plan. The hardest thing about winter training is just getting out of the front door! It's dark and freezing cold at 6am but once I get going, I love it and I am so much more productive when I start my day with a run. It clears my head and helps me to feel focused and calm.
After taking Jude to school, some days I train my clients, other days I work from home, writing blog posts, filming/ editing videos and images for social media, etc and I often commute into London for meetings and events. Each week is different so I have to be flexible with my timetable. I'd be lying if I said that I was mega organised but I'm okay with doing things at the last minute. If I start feeling overwhelmed or stressed, then I just remind myself that the world won't end if I don't reply to those emails right away. The digital world is 24/7, so as a blogger it's easy to feel like you're always working. I try to manage my online/ offline balance but it's not easy. That said, I do think that society often shames us for being on our phones, but I don't see it as any worse than sitting on your sofa watching EastEnders every night. My mum probably spends the same amount of time watching soaps each week as I do reading tweets and scrolling Insta – it's just a different device. I enjoy looking at fashion bloggers' outfits, reading my mum crush blogs and watching YouTube videos of epic travel destinations. I say, do whatever you enjoy!
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I guess every job has its pros and cons, right? Being your own boss can be great, it means that I can create my own schedule and I can take an afternoon off to go and watch Jude's school concert without any problem. My job gives me the freedom to be creative, it's fun and it definitely keeps me fit! However, being your own boss means you have no one to be accountable to. You have to set your own deadlines and manage your time well. Being self-disciplined is a struggle sometimes – I put off doing paperwork, invoices and admin for as long as humanly possible, before remembering that I am the finance department, as well as the editor, the photographer, the researcher, the writer, social media content creator and fitness trainer.
I'm constantly stunned by the power of social media. There are some amazing things happening online; the internet has given us all a platform, no matter who you are, what race, gender, age or background. I've built my own business with just a phone and a laptop. For my first year of blogging, I literally used my phone to create all my content. I really hope that my platform inspires women to live an active life, to take on new challenges and to be fearless in the pursuit of their own passions.
Essentially, the reality of every job is that even when it's your passion, there will still be times when it is hard work – but I honestly cannot think of a job that I would enjoy more.

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