Strange Bedfellows: 13 Weird Dating Apps Your Future Lover Might Be Lurking On

The very act of going to a bar and finding a date is nearing ancient status these days. Why socialize in real life when you can do it from the comfort of your own couch, sporting major bed head and pajamas? Welcome to the age of eHarmony, where we can search for potential dates like Cher does her Clueless wardrobe while also checking our e-mail. My, how we've progressed.
But, dating websites themselves are becoming passé as more and more of us accept our perma-mobile lives. Dating apps, though, are all the rage, and if you're not hip to the Tinder, well, you will be in due time. But, sometimes swiping left and right to find love isn't the most efficient way. Luckily, there are plenty of apps in the sea. Some work and some twerk, and others are outrageously bonkers. Medical records as a date filter? Sure. Hell, why not just bribe someone, because that's a thing now? And, if those aren't your cup o' love juice, here are 11 more strange apps to help you find Mr. and/or Mrs. Right.

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