These 5 Sex Tips Will Turn You Into A Morning Person

It can be tough enough to wake up in the morning without several presses of the snooze button, let alone squeezing in morning sex. But getting it on in the a.m. can definitely be worth your while.
If you begin your day by getting laid, you're setting yourself up to enjoy the benefits of frequent sexual activity, which include better memory, less stress, and even glowing skin. Plus, you'll go through your daily routine with the swagger of knowing you got some. And once you've gone through your day, you don't have to stress about sex with your partner if you're too tired at night. Seems like something we should all be doing more of, no?
To help you have more morning sex, we rounded up five tips on how to fit sexy time into your a.m. schedule.

While we're arguably more in control of and confident about our sexuality than ever, there's still so much we don't know about female arousal. So this month, we're exploring everything you want and need to know about how women get turned on now. Check out more

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